How to get outlook email out of night mode
How to get outlook email out of night mode

how to get outlook email out of night mode
  1. #How to get outlook email out of night mode install
  2. #How to get outlook email out of night mode windows

The lack of contrast in the default white theme can make Outlook 2013 a bit hard to work with, especially in the beginning.Įven though at least one of the provided themes is workable for most people (albeit with some adjustment time), the lack of some true themes to choose from remains a bit disappointing.Įver since Outlook 2007 (when Office themes were introduced), I wondered why there was no theme which simply followed your Windows default color setting. Compared to the other main Office applications, Outlook contains a whole lot more “program interface” in relation to content. On the other hand, they might have gone a bit overboard for Outlook. This is OK that is why the options are there in the first place. In general, this goal has been achieved although you probably end up “unhiding” some of the features and do some other customizations. One of the goals of the new Outlook 2013 interface was to make it look more clean while keeping the most commonly used features still in-sight or closely available. I don’t find it a waste of space or would otherwise use the Reading Layout. As I monitor multiple folders and I don’t like reading sideways, re-enabling it was one of the very first changes which I made.

#How to get outlook email out of night mode install

Upon a clean install of Office 2013 on my Surface Pro tablet, the Folder Pane was hidden for me. Tab View-> button View Settings-> button Conditional Formatting-> select: Unread messages-> button Font….If you don’t like all this blue, you can change it back to black (or 15 other colors) in the following way. You can do the same for messages which are marked as unread to mark them as read. Click on this to mark the message as unread again. When you hover over this line, it becomes wider. When you hover over a message which is marked as read, you’ll see a faint line where the blue bar used to be. If there is a blue bar in front of the message, it is unread, if there isn’t, it is unread. Instead of using envelopes to more visually display the message’s read or unread status, Outlook 2013 now uses a blue bar. I actually don’t use them very often though as I usually use the keyboard shortcuts CTRL+1, CTRL+2, CTRL+3, etc… Blue bar, blue subjects and no more read/unread envelopes I have it configured to show: Mail, Calendar, Contact, Tasks and Notes. I still have the Navigation Strip at the bottom, even on my 768 pixel high netbook. The latter also affects the program’s color (like the File tab and the Status Bar) a lot more. The light gray theme takes out a lot of the pure whiteness while the dark gray theme often is the theme of choice for (graphic) designers. When you are logged into Office with a Microsoft Account, you can change your theme via:Īs an alternative, or when not logged on with a Microsoft Account, you can also use:Īfter so many years of having a blue interface by default in Windows and/or Office, these alternatives can be somewhat depressing, dull or at least disappointing. However, the alternatives are “light gray” and “dark gray” so things are not getting more colorful. If lack of contrast is your main issue, changing the theme might help already. Blue bar, blue subjects and no more read/unread envelopes.Put back the Navigation Strip in the Folder Pane.Themes: White, light gray and dark gray.Let’s look at the options available to make Outlook 2013 less white and bright or otherwise give it a more “classic” look! I’m no expert in that field though, but luckily Outlook is more my playing field. In Outlook, there is a whole lot more interface as well where too little contrast can be more confusing. This could be because the other applications are more like sheets of paper and white feels more natural then. There is no point denying it Outlook 2013 is white, VERY white and for some, this can lead to problems.Įven though white is the base color for all Office 2013 applications, interestingly enough, most complaints are targeted towards Outlook.

How to get outlook email out of night mode